SaluVent – through Advent with 14 good deeds

During this year’s Advent season, we want to do good together with you! On our social media channels, we have...

National award for learning centre farm

On 28 June 2024, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the German Commission for UNESCO presented the ‘National Award – Education for Sustainable Development’...

Six smiling faces!

When PlantaVet consultant Verena Hampf is on tour in her area, she always brings a smile to her customers. That’s simply part of...
Webseite Heimtierkompetenz

Launch website pet expertise

On our new website, not only vets can find information for their patients, but also owners of rabbits, guinea pigs or other pets can find tips on keeping...

Advanced economics class visits SaluVet

Once a year, the advanced economics course at Bad Waldsee grammar school spends a whole day with us. The students not only gain an insight into the various areas...

Nutrition Centre Bodensee-Oberschwaben at SaluVet

Is there a better place to talk about nutrition than in a canteen? We don’t think so! That’s why we asked Carmen and Bettina from...

Lecture at the Duale Hochschule in Ravensburg

A new “Agricultural Economics” degree programme has been offered at the Ravensburg Cooperative State University since 2022. The curriculum includes topics such as the production of high-quality food, ecological...

Dr Graf-Schiller elected to the BPI Federal Executive Board

In November 2023, the Managing Director of SaluVet GmbH, Dr Sandra Graf-Schiller, was elected to the BPI Federal Executive Board. Dr Graf-Schiller wants to give companies that are also...

200 blue thumbs for the farm learning centre

In the summer, SaluVet GmbH launched a very special campaign in cooperation with the Lernort Bauernhof project ( For every farmer who dipped their thumb in Dr Schaette dipping...

Homemade herbal salt is a big hit

21 companies – from high-tech manufacturers to craftsmen – opened their doors on 28 October as part of a trade show. It was a matter of course for us...

Sustainability Day in Bad Waldsee 2023

On Saturday, 14 October 2023, the Sustainability Day of the city of Bad Waldsee took place on the Bleiche from 10 am to 4 pm. This year we were...

Change in the management team

“Nothing is as constant as change” (Heraclitus of Ephesus) and also for a traditional company like SaluVet it is true that the future is what we make of it....

Farewell of Volker Schwarz

On 24.05.2023, Volker Schwarz was bid farewell by his colleagues during the weekly Wednesday breakfast. Volker Schwarz had managed SaluVet GmbH together with Dr Sandra Graf-Schiller since its foundation in 2015. Before that, he was already the management of...

Our sales conference 2023 at WALA in Bad Boll

It is Wednesday morning, 9.30 am. The spring sun is warming around 40 employees from sales and marketing who are gathering around Bernhard Klett with a cup of coffee. Bernhard is not only responsible for the cultivation of medicinal herbs on the Sonnenhof,...

Launch of the website on the topic of “Healthy calves – healthy development”

Calves form the foundation for future success. Whether as a dairy cow or in fattening, only animals that go through a healthy development can later realise their full performance potential. This is a great challenge. On our website we inform...

Sustainability as a topic at the “Wirtschaftsimpuls Bad Waldsee” (Bad Waldsee business impulse)

On Thursday, 20 October, the City of Bad Waldsee invited guests to the "Bad Waldsee Economic Impulse" event at the Bad Waldsee Enterprise Centre. and with a good 80 guests from a wide range of companies and institutions, this very well...

Film discussion on “Der Bauer und der Bobo” at Seenema

After the Austrian documentary film "Der Bauer und der Bobo" (The Farmer and the Bobo), the numerous film visitors met with organic farmer Josef Wild from Unterurbach for an exchange in the bistro of the Seenema cinema in Bad Waldsee. Mr Wild took many...

Sustainability Day in Bad Waldsee 2022

On Saturday, 8th October 2022, the sustainability day took place at the Klosterhof in Bad Waldsee from 10:00 to 16:00. This year we participated with the topic "Nettle - native...

Summer programme 2022 at Seenema Stadtkino Bad Waldsee

Our sponsoring partner, the "Seenema" art house cinema in Bad Waldsee, invites you to its cosy cinema hall for exceptional film entertainment for children, young people and adults with its summer programme.  Tickets...

Flower sponsorship by SaluVet GmbH

The Honisch apiary and the Oberhofer farm have transformed a field into a beautiful flower meadow in 2021. Not only bees but also butterflies, bumblebees, beetles, grasshoppers, spiders, ants, crickets and many other animals feel...

Waldsee fawn rescuers fly with SaluVet support

A donation from SaluVet GmbH also contributes to the fact that the volunteer fawn rescuers of Wildtierrettung Bad Waldsee e.V. are currently in action with three fully equipped rescue teams. With the help of state funding and numerous donations, the...

One Health – Health only works together

On 16.05.2022, representatives from various sectors and institutions in and around Bad Waldsee met on the premises of SaluVet GmbH to exchange ideas on the topic of "One Health - Health only works...

Obituary of Dr Roland Schaette

We mourn the death of Dr Roland Schaette on 21 March 2022 at the age of 79 after a serious illness. As the son of one of the company's founders, Roland Schaette took over the management of the...

Award “Office & Environment

For the 4th time, the company SaluVet GmbH has received the "Office & Environment" award. The focus on sustainable office furnishings...

Doing business differently

What do we remember when we think of a deceased close relative? Is it the share portfolio he left us? Or do we think of the values that the person lived for and possibly passed on to subsequent generations? Do we not rather think of the helping hand he...

“Cleverly bagged – from the can to the bag” – Award for SaluVet GmbH

In October, we were named a "Resource Efficiency Company" by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy...

Sustainability Day in Bad Waldsee 2021

In bright sunshine at the beginning of October, we took part in the Sustainability Day in Bad Waldsee with an information stand. We were able...

Green week at SaluVet

Our Sustainability Dialogue working group organised great events for all SaluVet employees as part of a Green Week. During these five days...

July is harvest time at the Sonnenhof

At harvest time of the calendula blossoms, some SaluVet employees went to the Sonnenhof in Bad Boll. At sunrise, the blossoms are harvested in the fields of the Demeter...

Flower Sponsorship 2021

Between Gaisbeuren and Bad Waldsee, directly on the federal road B30, lies the "street field" of the Oberhofer family. We will sponsor this field with a flowering...

New administration building invites to move in

After a construction period of almost one and a half years, we were able to move into the new administration building in Bad Waldsee this month. A few impressions of the new...

New administration and seminar building in Bad Waldsee

So it was time to meet our increasing space requirements and build a new administration and seminar building. After the planning phase...

Sustainable conversion – Bronch-Arom® B in a sachet

Our supplementary feed Bronch-Arom® B has been convincing for several years with its beneficial support of the respiratory tract. In addition, the tasty mixture of essential oils is well digestible and appetising for cattle and...

Extensive greening – with us it blooms on the roof

On an area of 3,500 square metres, after completion of the construction work on the logistics building, we installed a special green roof suitable for...