Our anniversary - 100 years of SaluVet


Film screenings in the anniversary year 2019

Films and Film Talks

In its anniversary year, the SaluVet Academy organised a film series in cooperation with the Stadtkino seenema Bad Waldsee. From February to April 2019, three different films were shown that concern us all and are intended to inspire us to think and act.

Time for Utopias – We Do It Differently

The Miracle of Mals

Our seeds – we reap what we sow

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"Wonders of Nature"


For the opening of the exhibition “Wonders of Nature” on 18 March 2019 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of SaluVet GmbH, the rooms in the seenema were very well attended. Numerous interested people had found their way to the city cinema to see the works of the three exhibiting artists – Alexander Lauterwasser, Regina Thorne and Beatrix Waldburger. The special thing about this exhibition is certainly that the works of three artists are exhibited in a very confined space who, at first glance, have nothing in common.

Saxophonist Florian Loebermann opened the event with pure improvisation, taking up the themes of the exhibited works. After Marianne Jocham from the “seenema” welcomed the guests and introduced the life and work of the exhibiting artists, Dr Sandra Graf-Schiller from SaluVet GmbH took the visitors on a journey to find the connection between the works. As the two essential connecting elements, she presented firstly the connection to SaluVet in terms of content and secondly the theme of transformation, which plays a central role in all the works.

The theme of SaluVet GmbH has been holistic animal health for 100 years now and the special feature is the way to achieve health, namely by means of substances from nature. The transformation of substances obtained from nature into remedies for animals is the daily bread.

Afterwards, the artist Regina Thorne, who was present, gave an introduction to her exhibited works, which mainly deal with the subject of bees – the substance transformers. After the official part, she was surrounded by questioners who wanted to know more about her work. Beatrix Waldburger, who had also travelled to Bad Waldsee especially for the occasion, readily provided information about the rose and honey paintings she had created. Steigbilder are a pictorial method of depicting the process of transformation, e.g. of a plant extract.

Only Alexander Lauterwasser was unfortunately unable to be on site on Sunday. His impressive works on the subject of the transformation of vibrations and waves, e.g. in the form of cow mooing or whale songs, into the visible by means of water, nevertheless exerted an immense fascination.

“A well-rounded event,” said Martina Valentien with satisfaction at the end of the event. The local artist and employee of SaluVet conceived and organised the exhibition with a lot of heart and soul.

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With 100 runners from the SaluVet

Running fever in Bad Waldsee

100 years – 100 runners, that was our motto in SaluVet’s anniversary year 2019. 100 SaluVet runners took to the starting line at the Lauffieber in Bad Waldsee. For each of the 557 laps we ran together in the Old Town Team Run, which earned us 1st place in the company ranking, we donated €1 to the non-profit Initiative M.U.T. (Human and Animal Therapy). All runners proved one thing on this day – we are weatherproof.

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Our Jubilee Celebration in Bad Waldsee 2019

Open Day

Pioniere der Tiergesundheit 1919 – 2019.

Dr. Schaette – PlantaVet – SaluVet

Am Vorabend des Tages der offenen Tür führte unser Jubiläumsquartett bei der festlichen Jubiläumsfeier im Haus am Stadtsee die Gäste, Wegbereiter und Wegbegleiter mit viel Humor durch die Unternehmensgeschichte in die Zukunft.  Gastrednerin Staatssekretärin Friedlinde Gurr-Hirsch lobte in ihrer Ansprache den Pioniergeist der Firmengründer und das 100-jährige Engagement des Unternehmens im Bereich der alternativen und natürlichen Tiergesundheit und betonte, dass dies heute wichtiger denn je ist.


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Festive atmosphere at the Haus am See

The ceremony

Pioneers of Animal Health 1919 – 2019.

Dr. Schaette – PlantaVet – SaluVet

On the eve of the Open Day, our Jubilee Quartet led the guests, trailblazers and companions through the company’s history into the future with much humour during the festive anniversary celebration at the Haus am Stadtsee.  In her address, guest speaker State Secretary Friedlinde Gurr-Hirsch praised the pioneering spirit of the company’s founders and the company’s 100-year commitment to the fields of alternative and natural animal health, emphasising that this is more important today than ever before.


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