SaluVet Academy
“Knowledge that does not increase every day becomes less every day”. (Chinese proverb)
Knowledge transfer has many dimensions. This is one of the reasons why we are always trying new ways, trying out how we can prepare, present and ultimately convey knowledge in an exciting way. In our picture gallery we take you on this journey.

Medicinal plant tours 2021
In the SaluVet garden

After completion of our new administration building with seminar rooms, the outdoor facilities around the buildings were also gradually rebuilt in the summer of 2020. The centrepiece of the garden is our medicinal plant garden, where many of the medicinal herbs used in our preparations can be experienced. Regularly offered guided tours by our medicinal plant experts are gladly accepted by colleagues.
To picture gallerySustainability day 2021
Bad Waldsee

At the 1st big sustainability day of the city of Bad Waldsee on 1 October 2021, we were on site and presented ourselves as a company where sustainability is an important part of the company philosophy and everyday work. The SaluVet Academy provided information on the diverse further education and training programme on the topic of natural animal health and gave impulses for the domestic use of well-known medicinal herbs.
To picture galleryHealthy udders and antibiotic reduction
Future Forum 2020

The more than 80 participants (both farmers and veterinarians) followed the presentations on the topic of “Modern mastitis treatment” with interest.
The increasing antibiotic resistances worldwide and the growing pressure from consumers and politics force us to develop and use alternatives to the use of antibiotics.
As keynote speaker and expert of the day, Prof. Dr. med. vet. Volker Krömker presented in his first lecture on “Modern mastitis treatment” the therapeutic decision-making in mastitis.
In a second lecture he presented the results of a study with a total of 150 participating animals, in which 75 cows each (with clinical mastitis (mild and moderate) in the context of chronic mastitis) were treated with antibiotics and 75 were treated with Pyrogenium compositum inject. The result showed that there was no significant difference between the two forms of therapy. Therefore, according to Prof. Krömker in his lecture, Pyrogenium compositum inject is definitely applicable as an alternative treatment for the described “antibiotic-unworthy” animals.
To picture galleryChildren's holiday programme 2019
Summer at last

As part of the holiday fun 2019 of the JugendKULTURhaus PRISMA!, children aged between 6 and 10 met at our company to immerse themselves in the magical world of herbs.
Divided into four groups with the names “Peppermint”, “Rosehip”, “Daisy” and “Dandelion”, they were allowed to mix their own herbal salt and flower sugar at a total of four stations, make a room spray with fragrant essential oils and sow cress in empty eggshells. In addition, fun colourful soaps with animal motifs were created from soap flakes, natural fragrances and food colouring.
To picture galleryOpen day 2019
inspiring presentations

The speakers Martin Ott and Wolf-Diter Storl provided exciting impulses for dairy farmers, animal lovers and people interested in medicinal plants.
Martin Ott explored the nature of the cow, showed the difference between species- and nature-appropriate dairy farming and consistently focused on the needs of the cow. He also worked out answers to the question of how the future of dairy farming could be successfully shaped.
Wolf-Dieter Storl gave an impressive account of our ancestors’ traditional knowledge of medicinal herbs, which can be traced back to the time of the Ice Age hunters – valuable empirical knowledge that is still relevant today.
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Phyto-Course 2018
With Dr Roland Schaette

We attach great importance to knowledge transfer. That is why we are very pleased when Dr. Roland Schaette shares his wealth of knowledge about medicinal herbs with us. This is particularly impressive in direct observation out in nature.
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