Time for utopias
We do it differently
Time for utopias – four examples that make a difference.
Director Kurt Langbein dedicates his documentary to four people and initiatives that want to offer an alternative to capitalism and the pursuit of profit:
Regional and organic for all?
Petra Wähning founded the project “Solidarity Farming” and is now one of 300 consumers who are supplied directly by a farm without going through the supermarket. Using the example of the cooperative “Hansalim” from South Korea, Petra Wähning also shows in “Time for Utopias” that it is even possible to supply 1.5 million people with regional and organically grown food.
Smartphones fairly produced
Laura Gerritsen from the company Fairphone travels with Langbein to the Congo, where fair production conditions are said to have been created for the metals that go into the manufacturer’s smartphones.
Shaping everyday life “green”
The “Kalkbreite” housing project from Zurich shows how one can live in a city in an energy-saving and environmentally friendly way without sacrificing comfort.
Fair tea cultivation that farmers can live off.
After a long struggle, a tea factory in southern France that used to belong to the Unilever Group now manages itself as a cooperative called “Scop-Ti”. Find out how this came about in “Time for Utopias”.
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