Launch of the website on the topic of “Healthy calves – healthy development”
Calves form the basis for future success. Whether as dairy cows or for fattening, only animals that undergo healthy development can later realise their full performance potential. This is a major challenge.
On our website, we inform our target group of farmers about healthy and natural calf husbandry according to the motto “Sick calves cost time, money and nerves”. In particular, the farmer learns which measures are necessary to support the immune system, gastrointestinal or respiratory diseases. Our Dr Schaette brand products support the farmer in these health maintenance measures. Short product portraits with a link to the webshop provide a good overview and make purchasing easy. Testimonials, webinar recordings and application videos on the website emphasise the successful use of our products.
Find out everything you need to know about keeping calves healthy and treating them successfully.